The quote that Kate included on her blog a few days ago amazes and inspires me. It is by Elder Eyring, "…Remember, you are interested in education not for life, but for eternal life. When you see that reality clearly with spiritual sight, you will put spiritual learning first and yet not slight the secular learning. In fact, you will work harder at your secular learning than you would without that spiritual vision" (Education for Real Life, 3). With so much more secular learning (and spiritual learning as a matter of fact) on my list of things to do, I like Elder Eyring's perspective. I like how he puts it in this order: study the spiritual first which will inspire you to study the secular even more.
I always have a love of learning in my heart. I always want to be learning something and studying something and reading something. I wish I could go to college again. When I see movies that have a university like Harvard as the setting, I yearn to go there myself. I yearn to be in college again. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be responsible for so many other needy people but I could just have all my time to myself again. I know that won't happen and it's no use to wish for it. But I can still study and I can still learn and read.
I love Kate's plan for personal study. It is just so orderly and simplified and doable. It's not overwhelming for me. In fact, it is freeing. It allows me to study and "fill my bucket" with worthy things. I rise early to read the scriptures, eat breakfast with my husband, read needful and inspiring parenting books, have time to journal and catch up on personal e-mail before my children wake up. Then in the afternoon during quiet/nap time, I have another hour to read my current novel. It is just lovely. I cherish the time I have to myself. I don't neglect the kids during school time or chore time or meal time or play time because I know I have this other time dedicated for my own study that fills me up. Then in the evening after the kids go to bed I have more time to read whatever else is on my list. And the amount of spiritual that Kate has included in her personal study goals keeps the proper perspective that Elder Eyring mentioned. Spiritual first, then secular, then even more dedicated secular. I am learning not just for now but for eternity. I LOVE IT!
Nice post! Nice progress! You'll go far, inspiring your children this way.
ReplyDeleteI so agree. One of the things that I have been feeling for awhile about LDS Mommy University is that it does have the proper balance of spiritual/mental food for me. I feel my heart is in the right place as I study.